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Acre is a state located in the western part of Brazil, bordering Peru and Bolivia. Known for its lush rainforests and Amazonian landscapes, Acre is often referred to as “The Green State.” The state’s capital city is Rio Branco, and it is one of the most remote and least populous states in Brazil. Acre is renowned for its rich biodiversity, making it an ecotourism hotspot, with visitors flocking to explore the untouched natural beauty of the Amazon rainforest, as well as the numerous rivers, lakes, and wildlife that call the region home. It is also notable for its historical significance, as the state was a center of the rubber boom in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, attracting economic migrants and rubber tappers to the region.

Acre has a unique cultural heritage, with a blend of indigenous, Brazilian, and Peruvian influences, given its proximity to both countries. The state is home to several indigenous communities, each with their own distinct cultures and languages. Acre has been proactive in preserving and promoting its indigenous heritage, and the state’s cultural landscape reflects this rich diversity. Additionally, the state has made significant strides in sustainable and environmentally conscious development, with initiatives aimed at conserving its natural resources and promoting ecotourism, making Acre a fascinating destination for those interested in the Amazon’s vibrant ecosystems and the cultural tapestry of the region.

A. Eloi

I'm a mixture of Things, Thoughts, Dreams, Smells, Tastes and Flavour, Roads and Curves, Trails and Paths. Read more...

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